Successful Retailer, Businessperson, and Influencer in The Gift & Home Industry.

In this session, Beth discusses and shares advice and tips on:

  • Navigating Through a Difficult Economic Climate

  • Merchandising

  • Design Trends

  • Building Your Social Media

  • Competing with Big-Box Stores

  • Difficulty in Finding Good Help

  • Following Your Gut

  • Overstocked Inventories

and much more!


Beth began this business at the age of 19, fresh out of high school, opening her first brick and mortar on a little side street in Northeast Ohio. As things evolved, Beth spent many years designing products for a leading gift wholesaler, doing trade shows, seasonal stores, and pop-up shows. Upon meeting her husband, she moved to North Carolina and established Olde Tyme Marketplace in a small town outside of Charlotte.

After 11 years of growing a successful business in that location, a very unique opportunity arose to relocate the business to a perfect venue in Madison, Indiana in 2018. Even though this seemed like a tremendous opportunity, there was still trepidation and some difficult decision-making to be made by the Lewis’s.
After careful consideration and thought, Beth and her husband decided to relocate Olde Tyme Marketplace to Madison Indiana, in a 5,000 square foot brick and mortar location where the business is very successful and thriving even in a challenging economy!
Listen to the Retailer Spotlight Q&A for insights from Beth not only on the last 30 years and what made her successful, but especially the last few years which has been a challenge for most retailers. Beths gives you a look into her business, her small-town community, and how she has met the recent challenges head on, and is succeeding as a retailer.
Beth has a tremendous following on social media with over 160,000 followers on Instagram and from time to time will speak at conferences and share her insights on developing your brand. You can follow Beth at @oldetymemarketplace